India ink drawings by the artist Odette Camp - official site

odette camp artiste peintre
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ODETTE CAMP (1909-1979)

This web site was created in 2009 to honour Odette Camp’s hundred-year anniversary
(Camp was born 19 March 1909 in Marseille; she died 4 August 1979 in Paris) and to give this distinguished artist greater visibility. Forty of Camp’s India ink sketches are preserved by the Musée Carnavalet in Paris, which held a very successful exhibition of Camp’s work entitled Paris disparu (Bygone Paris) 1950-1970 in summer 1983. "Le Monde" and " Le Provençal" newspapers both published glowing reviews of the event. From 1930 to 1978, ODETTE CAMP, regularly presented her art in private shows, galleries, and multi-artist exhibitions. A good many of her pieces were bought by private collectors in France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and so on. A number of her paintings (oils were her initial medium) and drawings have also been purchased by the French government and the City of Paris.

Today, many of Camp’s sketches and paintings are scattered throughout the world, and until now there have been no reference books or other sources of information available to collectors interested in learning more about the artist. It has also been virtually impossible to accurately calculate the monetary value of her work, since her pieces have rarely been presented in auction rooms (Drouot, Sotheby’s, etc.).

Moreover, there is a significant collection of ‘atelier stock’ which awaits discovery. A few of these pieces have been selected for this particular exhibition room, the web.

The official Odette Camp website has been launched with the following objectives :

• to foster interest in the artist’s work by presenting glimpses of her art
• to invite anyone who owns an original Odette Camp to contact us
• to catalogue and reproduce all known pieces
• to produce an art book which will include a biography and extensive catalogue
• and, finally, to offer certain of Camp’s pieces for sale.

All those – friends of the artist and strangers – who hoped they would one day be able to express their appreciation for Odette Camp’s remarkable talents are warmly invited to join us in developing this project.
Odette Camp artiste peintre encre de chine
Traduction en anglais par Pamela Gayle White
Contact :
☎ 06 81 17 82 88
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